which can tolerate dryness more, indica or sativa?


Well-Known Member
I live in a dry desert where the humidity averages about 25% usually, Im growing an autoflowering sativa dominant plant(amnesia haze+lowryder) and its not doing too good, its like 7-8 weeks old and only about 5 inches tall and isnt getting taller although the bud is getting fatter. its supposed to grow to around 2ft tall, I believe dryness and heat is causing it to stay so small

will an indica or sativa do better in a dry desert?

also the temps are very variable at night and day here, in the day it gets as hot as 95-96f these days while in the night/early morning its about 75 but can be as low as 67, how will this effect the plants growth?

can strong winds cause the thc/resin to be blown off the plant?


Well-Known Member
well i am in oz and where i am i find sativa's handle my type of hot dry climate ,
and 50 kilometers south east near the coast the indica seems to do better in the more humid weather.
but there are probably a lot of unknown factors in there...


Well-Known Member
yea im actually thinking its more dependant on the strain now as im currently growing a sativa dominant plant (autoflower amnesia haze+lowryder) and its growing awfully slow... the humidity here is 10% right now and its also 90 degrees outside, I need a strain that can tolerate this type of weather


Well-Known Member
try mandala seeds they all made for heat amd hot weather two are even made for tropical weather and are f1 hybrids