Which device do you use?


Active Member
I ordered the cheapest one off amazon. My shaky hands forbid a steady shot. Any suggestions?


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I would be too, but the smartphone is always in my pocket and it does a damn fine job. It's just an older Samsung S8+ These smart phone cameras are amazing nowdays.
Hell ya. I just use an old S7 to take closeups with. It takes great shots, then I display them on the big screen tv and zoom in if I want. I take a lot of pics with my crappy old Ipad too, but the quality sucks compared to the S7. My wife and kids all have the newest Iphones and Samsungs in the Plus version, but I'm totally happy with my S7.
i have a 32x jewler lupoe. its a bit underpowered but does the job, you prolly want at least 50x or 100x
Right on, I know its not necessary. Just some cool shots. The one I have magnifies up to 1000x, gotta make something to keep it stable. Maybe stabilize a selfie stick to the end of it so i dont have to hold it
Multiple uses for stuff like this. Its hard finding something suitable for personal pics though
Guess youre best to just look around try best buy or camera shops that might sell different lens attachments for phone..and set it on a tripod if your to shaky
I've got one of these.
Costed me about $ 3.00 including shipping.



I made this pic of an 'a' printed on paper with it.