Which direction should the plant grow?


I am using an Aerogarden. I started about 4 days ago. My seed has sprouted. It seems that the seed is on top and the sprout is coming out of the bottom of the seed (at least from how it was placed in the pod. Should the sprout be facing up with the seed portion towards the bottom or does it not matter?
I'm including a pic for reference



Well-Known Member
thats fine. it will take care of its self. let the shell, or helmet, stay on untill it falls off its self

if you can put a pinch of soil over that exposed root. roots and lights dont agree.

stupid question, but you pulled the dill seeds out of that pot right?


Well-Known Member
That looks ok. The seed pod will shed, from
which the first two round leaves will emerge.
The white part is the taproot and will start
forming the root structure. It will travel through the sponge and seek out the water.


Yeah, I removed the dill. :) Valid question though. Thanks for the help. This is my first attempt at a grow. I'm nervous. I hear often that most people don't get success until the 2nd or 3rd time.