Which Hydro style(Aero, flood and drain, DWC, etc)produces biggest yeilds per plant?


Hello all, first time posting on this site! Have been lurking in the shadows for a awhile though. Thank you to everyone who make RIU awesome.
I would like to ask the which hydro method is best for heaviest yield. As I am a medi-grower and about to invest in a new system. I can grow 15 plants at once.30 if I use a friends card too.
I have done soil and am ready to move on.
So if you have first hand experience in different types of hydro please drop a brother some advice!!!!! Would be very much appreciated.
Sorry if this has been asked a million times!!!!! I did a unsuccesful search on the topic.

Also ease/cost of setup is a factor.


Well-Known Member
none of those produce the biggest yield. Experience is the only thing that will give you high yields.

As for east and cost, Ebb/Flow and Aero would by my best bet for easiest.

Ebb&Flow is easiest as long as u dont mind havin a medium sized reservoir
Aeroponics if you want a smaller reservoir but more monitoring.


Well-Known Member
I agree with ninjagaiden about experience & would like to add patience, research and care for grows.

As for which is best non soil...well I think that depends on each grower, available space, construction and maintenance budget & also each growing situation..


i agree that the grower is the biggest variable but beyond that and to your question now that that's been addressed I'd say RDWC (recirculating deep water culture) followed by deep water culture have the highest potential for the biggest yield out of the types listed. maybe HP aero as well but very few people are rocking out a hp aero system with trees and they are very technical systems.

easiest is ebb and flow or dwc. i like ebb better from a simplicity perspective because there is a remote res and still only one moving part to concern yourself with like dwc (one has a air pump one has a water pump). aero is not as easy imo. lp or hp you still have misters to deal with so there are a lot more items to check and no medium means its the least forgiving.

dwc if your air pump goes the roots are still in nutrients.

ebb and flow if your pump goes depending on your medium you have a nice window of time before they dry out. obviously the a medium like rockwool will retain a lot more solution then say hydroton so that will change how long they could go with a failed pump and no drastic effects.

hope that helps as you can tell my understanding of easy is failure probability and the effect of a failure, number of devices in the system with failure potential and accessing the res.


I agree that the most important factor is the grower and his experience/ability. I was hoping to get some responses from people who have tried different systems side by side using the same strain/nutes/environment.
I really like Earls space shuttle and would like to set up some kind of Aero/NFT/DWC hybrid system.But that might get too techy for me. And of course Stinkbuds system is great too. And the Ebb and flow guys get huge trees!!!. IDK......too many options.