which is better for veg?

Alright so i've basically been plannin on doin a florescent grow, but my bud offered me a pretty good deal on a 1000w hps light, and i couldnt refuse lol. The thing is, i've heard that mh lights are best for vegging, and hps for flowering.

I cant get an mh light atm, and i've already set up a florescent light board, with 4- 13w daylight bulbs, and a bunch of 42w cool white bulbs, which was going to be for vegging. Am i right in assuming that the hps light would still out do the floros in veg even though the floros are the right spectrum for vegging?

The other thing is, if i could clear out another smaller spot, veg with the floros, and then move them to flower under the hps, would the finished pruduct be of the same quality. I know this would let me have sort of a perpetual grow goin on and i would harvest more often, but would i get a greater yield/plant or higher quality bud if i used hps for both phases.

off topic: how many plants would a 1000w hps light be able to support?


Well-Known Member
the simple answer is the more light a plant has the better
1000hps could probably support 6 plants, depending on size
more if it was on a light mover
and the HPS won't "outshine" the flourescents - the flouros will just add that spectrum to the mix


Well-Known Member
Alright so i've basically been plannin on doin a florescent grow, but my bud offered me a pretty good deal on a 1000w hps light, and i couldnt refuse lol. The thing is, i've heard that mh lights are best for vegging, and hps for flowering.

I cant get an mh light atm, and i've already set up a florescent light board, with 4- 13w daylight bulbs, and a bunch of 42w cool white bulbs, which was going to be for vegging. Am i right in assuming that the hps light would still out do the floros in veg even though the floros are the right spectrum for vegging?

The other thing is, if i could clear out another smaller spot, veg with the floros, and then move them to flower under the hps, would the finished pruduct be of the same quality. I know this would let me have sort of a perpetual grow goin on and i would harvest more often, but would i get a greater yield/plant or higher quality bud if i used hps for both phases.

off topic: how many plants would a 1000w hps light be able to support?

An HPS would be adequate for both. I believe vegging plants do better under the softer MH, while flowering plants thrive under the harsher HPS.

An MH conversion bulb can be had quite reasonably and fits right into the HPS ballast.

It's not so much a question of how many plants because that varies according to container size and strain. What is important is recommended coverage area. For example, my 400 watt MH lists an coverage area of 16 - 36 sq. ft. depending on the mounting height.

Good luck and good growing.