which method is best for what im after?


hi all,

well im after a nice body stone for my crohns disease... now i know it helps being a indica plant with more amber trichomes etc. but what i want to know is if u take same product and make some bubble , bho ,iso oil with it will they all be same or will one method make a stronger body stone than a head high?

i have 2 batches of trim which i plan on making something with tomorrow so want to make the most of the trim and not waste it on a method that might not be for me

i wouldnt do any of those hash meathods cause there just isnt enough final product that would satify my needs.
i seen this video where a guy has 2 or 3 oz of trim and use a bucket-dry ice- and a screen and literally gets about a half oz (being modest) of keif in a matter of 5 mins. i would look into that if i was u.
ok thanks guys and that kush sounds like FIRE i might have to get some i was gonna try the OG kush with the chem dawg in it ? anyone tried that?

what about xcomparing qwiso and a long iso run.... surely by mixing the product with iso it pulls more cbd through compared to a 15 seconds swill/mix ?

so dont matter what method you use the levels of cbd and thc will be same?

i looking into dry ice it seems hard to find and hard to store isnt it?
what up bboyz.....For my all day body buzz I like to do ISO but I EAT the oil through out the day...

When done. It shouldn't look like or have consistity of oil. It should be quite dense and firm at room temp. After scraping and making sure all ISO is out I cool it roll it into a ball or cylinder then drop inside a 100-60ml applicator syringe that has no needle. You should not be able to squeze out extract out of syringe at room temp. You will need to run under hot water for a couple minutes to be able to squeze out extract. I squeeze it onto my finger in the shape of a ball, run that under cold water for couple seconds then role it into a pill shape the swallow it....Eating cannabis takes a lot of more product so you have to pretty much grow a descent amount to supply your needs. The effects do last longer, but does take a while to kick in tho...How much food is in your stomach does play a role in the effects so I would keep some rutine in your food/med schedule to find what works best. Less food, faster stronger shorter effects. More food, slower less intense longer effects... If you're happy with that then I would start trying different strains.

For smoking it looks like dry ice might be your best bet for the return...They sell that shit in tons of grocery stores around my parts........

Best of Luck
cheers mate ... yeye i make my iso then once its scraped up i place iun jar in fridge it comes out hard but soon softens when i warm it up :) i always wonder about edibles as i dunno if id like the effect if i ate to much and know shit i got 4 hours like this lol

dry ice by me in uk is hard to get //// i think ill run 2 big iso runs and ye i know i have ppl bring me there trim then i make it and split 50/50 with them so when i get it , i have quite a bit but most time its hard for me to make
