Which method should i use SOG, SCOG, or let it be!!


Well-Known Member
Grow Space: 4x4x7
Lighting: 1000mh, 1000hps
Soil: FFOF
Fertilizers: (Veg) Sensi Grow A,B (Flowering) Sensi Bloom A,B, Big Bud, Bud Factor X, Bud Candy, Bud Ignitor
Strain: 4Red Dragon and 12White Russia
I have 16 total plants in my space all in 5 gallon pots. Russia are about 3 week clones, Dragons are 2 weeks in veg.
I want to maximize growth potential. Looking to get 2oz dried or more per plant, to do so what method would be good to use SOG, SCOG, or just let it grow?