which one should i use????


High evry1 my plant is about 3 1/2 months outdoors it started flowering about a week ago i warer it everynight and i was using miracle grow plant food once a week but i stopped whn i noticed it was flowering i was just wondering which of there nutrients i should use



Well-Known Member
As far as growing outdoors is concerned, none of the popular nutrients have wowed me. I have my plants are in the ground, in raised beds, and in containers. If I had a hydroponic setup I'd probably be using Veg+Bloom or GH with the Lucas Formula. It mostly comes down to costs.

At first I liked X just because of their Amino Blast, but after running it for 2 years (started back when it was called HydroponiX), I don't think it's doing much of anything besides messing with pH. Treated plants haven't become any hardier then non-treated plants.

I've used all three of the products you mentioned in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and Roots Organic soil and the results are pretty much equal across the board. If anything, those in the Roots Organic did slightly better then FFOF. After running these products and a few others side by side for several years now, I honestly can't say one nutrient is better then the other. Sometimes GH wins out, sometimes X wins, and sometimes FF wins. I think weather and genetics play such a bigger role that you'd have to run them side by side for 10+ years with stable clones before you found a true winner and it certainly won't be a significant win.

Having said that, I'll tell you this... I'm pretty much fed up with synthetics now -- at least in when using soil anyway. The reason is because right now my best plant is a pure Sativa that's already nearing twenty feet. It hasn't been fed any fertilizers to date and was started in March. It's been living off last year's potting soil and some fresh compost thrown on top as a mulch. By all accounts or maybe I should say in spite of my neglect, it's doing great. My plants being feed synthetics are in Smart Pots and need to be feed weekly, require filtered water, and constant pH adjusting and soil testing. Early in the season they were growing faster, but when the summer heat came they started dropping leaves and showing signs of stress.

To me that says the diet of synthetics isn't better and the early fast growth comes at a cost.