Which strain is best outside?


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in the uk then you want a strain that has a little bit of a hardyness about it something that can cope with alot of moisture.something like greenhouse a.m.s/white rhino both strains i have done outside but they didn't yeiled has much has much has the last outdoor grow that i did whitch was arjons ultra haze#1 i did 6 of these last year planted end of may the biggest yeiled was 1 and harf pound the smallest plant was 9 ft tall.this was a top weed but go for something that needs less looking after i had to visit the arjons ultra haze every time it rained to shake the rain off the plants to try and stop has much mould has possible.i did get a little mould around harf ounce had to be thrown but the yeiled.but i ended up with 5 and harf pound to say the summer was sh@t thats not bad going.but this years grow is gonna be a.m.s and white rhino i just have a feeling this year is going to be hot.but do alot of reccies before planting this is key or you will end up with some prat cutting the plants down thinking they can get high on leaves prep the soil get some manure in the area that you want to grow.i grow in holes dug then a black bag[shirly bassy]in the hole make sure there is holes in the bottom of the bags so water can drain away.i feed my plants once a week without fail i know alot will say don't do this but has long has you visit early or late there is no problem.i dig a seperate hole with a bit of board over the top for my nutrients and medi gloves always take these away with you finger prints can be taken from inside of these.i do my mixing of nutrients at the site with the river water lowering the ph then watering the plants with the plants been in bags they get all the feed.