Which Strain?


Active Member
I am going to be doing a 10 plant grow but im choosing to use seed. I have a list of a few i would like to try, can someone please tell me your experiences with these strains/seed companies and what were your yields like. Cheers

amnesia haze - soma
kushberry - dna
chocolope - dna
vanilla kush - barneys
tangerine dream - barneys
hawaiian snow - greenhouse
cheese - big buddha
blue cheese - big buddha


Active Member
I've got some V kushs going now. They where a little slow to start but half of the seeds are growing superbly and are by far the healthiest of the bunch. I would love to get some tangerine dreams going, so right now I say those number 1. Cant go wrong with cheese. N that Chocolope I heard is delish! Don't know about yields but there's my 2 cents.


You can get a couple of each if you go to the single seed centre. The shipping will be delayed though because of all the snow in NY. Don't worry It'll get to you in no time. I'm currently waiting on my order. Also try the Super-Cali-Haze or Number one if you prefer indica. They are both super autos and are supposed to be pretty good.