White blotches and dying spots on some lower leaves. Overall plant advice wanted.

Plant has had these for about 4 weeks, maybe longer. The plant showed pistils about two weeks ago. The mentioned brown and white spots though don't seem like they have gotten worse since they emerged, but I am just curious to know could be causing this. Overall plant looks healthy to me.

Leaf with brown spots. I think it could be result of spilling some fertilized water mixture on the affected leaves.

Leaf with faded white blotchy spots

South facing side of plant, she is between 5'6" and 6'0". If you look closely you will see lower bud sites are yellow at the center on leaves, especially one on the lower left hand corner. Wondering if I should give the guy a dose of vegetation fertilizer next feeding maybe? Or is this normal?

If you have any suggestions please let me know. Been giving a full serving of jack's bloom fertilizer once a week for last three feedings. Curious if I should maybe go twice a week at 3/4 strength maybe, thus increasing whole amount of fertilizer 1.5 strength each weak? Plant has never had any burn. Also wondering if I should water the plant now with maybe 1 gallon of plain water at he middle of week since it has gotten so big.