White Cloth


Well-Known Member
Hi all..
So, I have tapped myself out on things to get for the new grow room (no more money). I should of had panda plastic in the list as a room divider but I didnt. would a white cloth curtain be acceptable hung with black plastic? Does white cloth reflect?
I will have mylar everywhere else but it is too flimsy for a curtain/divider.



Well-Known Member
Many hydro shop sell panda plastic by the linear foot. Its 10' wide (3mtrs). Say I needed a curtain 4' by 8'. I would buy 5 linear feet. At $1.19/ linear foot I would have to spend $7.00. If I wanted it white both sides, I'd have to spend $14.00. What happened to your space/plan?? VV


Active Member
i was holding up a towel once near a 4ft blacklight fixture. the back of the towel was white. i noticed it reflected light like a motherf*cker.

you need beach towels. asap. jk. but the white cloth is a MAYBE!

also, i use black plastic. 1 layer of it (3 mil) is more than enough to keep light out.


Sector 5 Moderator
cloth, ANY cloth, ANY color will absorb light and that's what you don't want. Think "Shiny Plastic" for reflectivity.
White clothes as ironic as it may seem, this white clothes has been followed since many years. There lies a simple reason behind the wearing of white clothes for desirable look, pure white clothes offer a better visibility of to follow your fashion and white colour is the symbol of the peace.The custom of white clothes on various fun and better look provided to us in various think of mine.in pristine white clothes and in a matter of minutes, there's not a single white patch to be seen on the outfit.