White crystalline residue powder from nutes


Active Member
:cry:I have one tray that is in a new area and the grow tray has a white powder on it and it is also on the base of the plant. Never had this prob before. I have one tray with an aquarium thermometer heating the solution because it is outside of normal grow area. It has a white crystalline deposit all over it. NO mites...I know those well. ph is good, plants look good with slight leaf tip curl on a couple and are four weeks old...any ideas? Looks almost like calcium deposits....using rock wool and root booster...roots look good, no fungus....


Well-Known Member
due to the salts in the nute solution.

best to feed with nutes twice - then just plain water for every third watering/feeding.

this allows the salts to be flushed out of the container bottom.

just wash deposit out of grow tray, waould n't mess with the plants if i were you, once they get a few waterings of just water they will sort themselves out. salts at base of the plant will drain into tray.