White Curled tips on 1 Week old plant

First time grower hoping to find some help with problems on a 1 week old plant. The tips have started curling up slightly on one plant. The tip is also very white. Growing with General Hydroponics fed using the Lucas formula. pH is good, however I do not yet have a PPM meter. Should have it next week. Growing with a 400w HPS light.

Any advice?



Active Member
I dont have any experience with hydro set-ups and I wish i could help you out but all i can say is check out the stickies they have posted up about diagnosing plant problems and maybe that can help you out until someone with more experience comes along. Good luck my friend!


Well-Known Member
Taking pics under an HPS sucks lol.. Can't see much, how close are the plants to the light? smaller plants can get burned by HPS lights if too close.
Sorry for the quality.

They are sitting about 1.5 ft from the lamp. I will try backing it off and little and seeing how that works.


Well-Known Member
Shove it under some CFL's in these earlier stages, maybe till like 2 weeks. Your just wasting electricity using that big thing already, plus your plant will love you from the spectrum it'll recieve from the CFL bulbs and how close you can get them, will really bush the plant out.

Also, im hoping you haven't put any types of nutrients in yet? It does look like something to do with the water your adding to the plants, either the ph is messed, or its got some sort of nutrients in it which is too strong. or the lights are too close.

Best bet in my eyes is lay off the HPS for 2 weeks till the plant has developed big and strong and then use your HPS, you'll get the most out of it then.