White Fire Alien (WiFi Alien) organic soil grow.

This will be my first official grow journal on RIU! I got three WiFi alien clones which I will be running! I also just got in 3 Wifi Og clones and im waiting for 3 wifi x og kush seeds to sprout. I will keep one wifi alien and one wifi og as mother plants. The three seeds are regular so I may or may not get a female.

Will be using fox farms happy frog organic soil and roots organic nutes with bat guano, general organics ancient forest humus and botteled reverse osmosis (RO) water.

Don't have the bloom light yet but it will either be a 150 hps or 220 true watt big dog led. Will veg under a T5 and CFL 6500K bulbs for now. I will grow in a 2x4 tent.
I guess I accidentally made two grow journals! I will end this one here and continue it with the WiFi OG Kush grow. So it will be the WiFi alien and WiFi OG grow in one journal. Jah bless!