White hairs?


Active Member
So im seeing white hairs pop out the top, what does that mean, is it a female trait. or could it still be male.


Active Member
So im seeing white hairs pop out the top, what does that mean, is it a female trait. or could it still be male.

Bra.........i don't want to be mean, but....come on. Did you read anything about marijuana cultivation before you started to grow? White hairs are called Pistols and it is the female reproductive organ on most plants, including mary. Now if a plant starts showing sacs that means you have a male, and u need to kill it before it pollinates your ladies. Here is a link for u.

http://media.photobucket.com/image/Marijuana sexing/halopcserver/male_female_cannabis.jpg

Hope this helps you. Good luck and keep growing.