White larve?


Active Member
White larve looking worm on leaves looks like a maggot and i can only see them through microscope ? Dont see anything flying around
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Mealy bugs is my guess. They look like what you described.

They will suck juices from leaf and cause yellowing and necrosis. They also leave honey dew on surfaces which attracts ants that carry aphids/mites in to farm for more honey dew. They reproduce every 3-5 days from eggs.

Kill them now!
Bro honestly, I'm fighting them right now as well. They beamed down from a mealy mothership.

In all realness, they will ride you into the space.

Last time i had these got them from a tire shop with an infestation on a lobby plant. I got to close and went to the spot right after like a dumb azz without changing out of that gear I had on. Before that, was home depot garden bug center...
Just built my grow room wondering if it was on wood or foam etc
Very possible it rode in on materials if they were outside. I built my room as well and the furniture inside. (Potting benches etc) I too pondered that thought before. They are drawn to high nitrogen sources ie veg.

I neemed them away Everytime with 12 ml per spray bottle 3x a week for 2 weeks.