White Russian,NYPD,Papaya,Chiesel,Chocolope,Blue Hash,NY47,Afgan Kush Auto


Active Member
Started with a full pack(11) of regular White Russian and some fem pick and mix from Attitude.(11 WR,2 NYPD,2 Papaya,and 1 each of the other 5) The only seeds not from Attitude are the New York Power Diesel and Papaya. Those are from a previous grow with seeds from Nirvana. I am very happy to have these guys back for a second round. The Papaya is super dense, super potent. Nirvana's knock off of Mango but who cares they are of awesome genetics. The NYPD produced three of the stinkiest plants I've ever grown and I have two of those off to a good start. The seeds were all started in 3" peat pots in FFOF, seedlings love the stuff,no nutes.. They are a week old. I'd post a pic but they look like every other week old plants you've seen I'll post pics in a week or two when they get some character. They will be grown in FFOF( 4 to 1 perlite) 3 gal grow bags. Nutes in veg will be worm castings and Kangaroots. I plan on foliar feeding with Dutch Masters Folitech up until the first pistils show.Then straight Fox Farm Big Bloom. I have a 4.5' x 4.5' I'm going to light with a 600 watt HPS cool pipe w/ 6" inline.I also have a 2.5' x 4.5' that I plan on putting my 8x54w T5 w/4" inline just because I have them laying around. I have another 8x54w T5 I was debating on putting in for side lighting maybe just to add some spectrum to supplement the HPS. I'll shoot for next week on the pics. Anybody with any experience with the WR's feel free to post(good,bad tips..) help will be appreciated .