White slime on my roots


Active Member
First time hydro grower here... I have a single 3 gallon bubble bucket growing a clone that I cut myself.

Basically, I changed the water, and had this intense hot streak in weather. The temperature in the room got real hot. like 90º. I'm not sure what temp the water got to, but either way, i get home and check on the roots; white slime had taken over all the roots touching the water.

The PH was a kinda high (not as high as i was) at like 6.8 but i was in too much of a hurry to fix it before i left for work.

So. I lowered the PH, added cold ice bottle, and added h2o2 and it got a lot better.

anyone know what this shit was???


Well-Known Member
I've never done a hydro grow, but I used the search engine (which you can use too!) and here's some stuff I found

I had this before although not this bad at all, what i did was clean my rez with water and perioxide, and you need to change your water weekly , at least biweekly at that age... use R.O water and put a tablespoon or so of perioxide every change in your water, it will oxygenate and keep your rez from getting slimmie... Let me know how this works out.....
maybe a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water...whats up sac-town...south sac here
If you want, follow the link back to the thread on the first one, because it had a LOT of pages, maybe you can find your answer there.