White Spot on some Leafs


Well-Known Member
It looks like like any powder litte spot on the end of the leafs that makes me sick... I never have that maybe it was a mistake reusing the Coco again? But i reusing it not for the first time and everything was fine but now it is not so. I dealing also with Fungus Gnats ordering Nematodes to fight the larves in the Medium but the white Spots makes me worry....

Hope they don't get Killed from any art of Pest ore something?

Definitely a root problem. If reusing cocoa you should use Cannazyme or something similar. Its an enzyme that quickly breaks down dead roots & or plant material & feeds it back to the plants (apparently) Its a must for me as I reuse my hydroton. Best way to beat fungus gnats is to stop over watering your plants
Definitely a root problem. If reusing cocoa you should use Cannazyme or something similar. Its an enzyme that quickly breaks down dead roots & or plant material & feeds it back to the plants (apparently) Its a must for me as I reuse my hydroton. Best way to beat fungus gnats is to stop over watering your plants

How can i fight the root problems??? Overwatering Coco are normally not the problem because it's holds enough oxygen. I will let it Dry out litte but what is with the problem on the Roots can the Plants surviving this?
Yeah cocoa holds O2 better than dirt. But you old plant roots rotting in there aswell, & the gnats would have been there since the last time you grew in that soil attracted by the old roots feeding on the new roots. Your plants are small & wont be taking up much water yet so most of the water in the cocoa has to sit untill it evaporates it quickly runs out of oxygen & promotes more root zone fungus for the gnats to feed on. I dont water cocoa until its mostly dried out. Lift them up if they feel light water them. They'll survive
The leaves in question are the 1st set of leaves on one plant right?

If it were bugs or PM.
Why are none of the other leaves affected?
Why just those two leaves?
If you are sure that you have fungus gnats and not winged root aphids then I suggest a BTI based product like Microbe Lift BMC, mosquito dunks, gnatrol.
Its not mites you wouldn't be able to see mite mite damage in the short time those plants have been alive. Its root damage & soon it will look like nutrient deficiencies cause the damaged roots wont be able to take up nutrients. & you wont be able to fix it by suffocating the roots with water twice a day. Let the soil dry a little between watering. Plants that size I would water every other day maximum.
Its not mites you wouldn't be able to see mite mite damage in the short time those plants have been alive. Its root damage & soon it will look like nutrient deficiencies cause the damaged roots wont be able to take up nutrients. & you wont be able to fix it by suffocating the roots with water twice a day. Let the soil dry a little between watering. Plants that size I would water every other day maximum.

Hi, do you think they survive it?
Also I just noticed you have little seedlings in medium sized pots & what look to be almost mother plants in little plastic cups? Have they been in the cups their whole lives or have you repotted them recently?

Yeah, they are forever in that pot my bonsai mothers xD they are OK because they are small. The Pot with my Autos flowers are 6 Liter with Coco and that's enogh because the Strains are Small-Medium.
It looks like like any powder litte spot on the end of the leafs that makes me sick... I never have that maybe it was a mistake reusing the Coco again? But i reusing it not for the first time and everything was fine but now it is not so. I dealing also with Fungus Gnats ordering Nematodes to fight the larves in the Medium but the white Spots makes me worry....

Hope they don't get Killed from any art of Pest ore something?

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The leaves in question look like cotylendons , the first leaves but not true first leaves you see when stating from seed. If these plants are not from seed then it was a nutrient issue , but seeing as your newer growth is not exhibiting this characteristic, id say keep going as you have probably outgrown any nutrient issues by now.

just in case make sure your scope is a 60x scope and look for very small mites..never can rule out broad mites are russet mites which can be as small as .2mm long

If you are sure that you have fungus gnats and not winged root aphids then I suggest a BTI based product like Microbe Lift BMC, mosquito dunks, gnatrol.
winged roots aphids are simply the 5th instar, ive seen black and white root aphids, nasty suckers
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I agree with Rustyshaklferd just said in his last reply that those first 2 leaves are not true leaves, they are only there to kick start the growth of the actual first 2 leaves which they have done now so they dont matter any more. Yes they will survive. But I dont think the same can be said for the mother plants in the cups. They are showing signs of stress if these are your mothers you can only expect to get sickly stressed out cuttings from them, a bonzai is a tree, & yes trees are plants but cannabis is not a tree. A trees roots grow much slower than a cannabis plant so a small tree like a banzai could adapt & remain relatively healthy in a smaller container for much of its long slow growing life. Cannabis on the other hand wants to grow hard & fast because it thinks it only has a limited time to reproduce before the end of summer. Get what I mean?
A Cannabis plant growing in those little cup things will only grow hard & fast for a very short time after that they will start looking like those ones you have in the cups.
I mean no offence