White spots in leaves


Hello everyone, I hope you can help me out.

Lately, some little white spots have began to appear on my plant's leaves. They have appeared mostly on the bigger leaves but some small ones begin to show them at well.

My plant suffered from nute burn about 3 weeks ago so I had to flush it, do you think that could be the problem somehow?

Also, some of the lower leaves are showing necrosis and have began to turn black and yellow.

Could you help me out with this?
I'm attaching some pics. The white dots are more visible in real life though.

Thanks a lot!



Well-Known Member
I noticed that your leaves ar a slight bit curled cut back on your water a bit, and add air flow near the soil. And id get out the magnifying glass and check the underside of your leaves for mites. looks and sounds classic to me. get some insecticide of your liking treat your plants. and clean your grow area with bleach and water id say at least a 20% range. make shur to let it on the surface for at least 45 sec and use luke warm water, heat kills the bleach. good luck man