White spots on seedling leaves


Well-Known Member
Possible to get a bigger picture of the over all plant?

At first I thought it looked normal, but on second look it might not be..


Well-Known Member
this is true my chimera katsu bubba x jack is throwin out trichs on the fans . go go gadget fanleaves
if your plant is in flower yes there will be some on the fan leafs I have yet too see resin on seedlings in veg....triches are there to protect the flowers ..period ...no flowers no resin....give use a look at you plant


New Member
@Bublonichronic u have the smartest answers so far, whats your diagnoses? Its very uniform on every seedling i have going all 7 of em little white spots, its not fuzzy, ive seen no mites all i can come up with is trichs or maybe from misting them?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what it is man, looks like resin but my eyes suck..either way prolly best to just wait it out, and maybe hit it with some"3 in 1 fungicide" from wallmart or something, even if it's not bugs it's still good to spray preventively, gl
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difficult to tell, all I'm thinking is CaMag def (the dots) or ever over-fert(the pointing down, and the leaves look like they are cracking between veins )


Well-Known Member
Spider mites i can deal with, if its pm ima trash the whole grow
if you ever need to get rid of powdery mildew...mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a quart of water and apply to invected leafs...leave for 5 hours and wash of with clean water...the baking soda changes the ph to 7....powdery mildew can not survive in a ph of 7....I don't know what it is wrong you need to put up a better pic...don't treat small seedling or clones that or not well rooted...it can kill them