White Widow Clones - whats wrong with my babies??????

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
Please help me out folks -

these are my 4 White Widow clones, also 1 off Big Bang clone but no problems so far with that one.

Cut from the plant 27 days ago - took around 10 days for each to root - transplanted into 3.5" pots of peat based seedling compost - just fed britta filtered water at a ph of 6.8 - had 1 off very weak dose of biobizz grow a week ago - they are being grown in my starter cabinet under 86w of cfl's (4 bulbs - 2 are 6500k & 2 are 2700k), with PC's fans for extraction and intake - temps run at 27c humidity around 60% usually.

What do you think??????



Well-Known Member
That's an interesting, but unfortunate problem. Interesting because of the color, not a typical discoloration. I'm currently growing WW too, about 6 weeks into flowering (and looking good, but im too lazy to shoot a pic) and can tell you that it's not an easy strain to grow. The biobizz may be the reason, could be too early for that. When they're freshly rooted clones like that, it cant handle the uptake of nutrients, even if it's a precieved 'weak dose'.

I've been working on WW for a year now, and this is the first harvest I'll have that's worth a shit. The big problem is the leaves falling off prematurely. Here's a few things that' have worked for me:

When they start to look like they need some nutes, give them some very weaks doses of whatever you're using...i use grow big. Then, hit them with a nice, ph balanced dose of 20-20-20 water soluble. That dose will carry them through a good 3 weeks of vigorous growth....pull back on the nutrition be gauging the leaf color...it's starts getting light green, hit 'em again with half the dose of the first time, BECAUSE now're they're adapted to the nutrient uptake and are more efficient at it, therefore needing less.

Everytime I water them with nutes, I give them a pour of the nuted water, then a few minutes later I follow up with untreated water. So, for example, if you give a plant a half gallon of water normally, don't give it a half gallon of treated water..instead give it a quart of treated water, wait, then give it a quart of clean water.

Bro, it's the little things with this strain that are needed to make it thrive. Give it nothing, she'll wither up and die off....give it too much, she'll fry to pieces. It's a tricky balance.


Active Member
Those leaves purplish or is that the light? Trace mineral deficency of some type.. resembles molybendum.. whats the ph runoff of that soil?

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
thanks for taking the time to reply mate - i got a couple of lovely white widows 4 weeks into flower at the minute and they had no such problems this early on - i have added an extra bulb to my veg cab so its warmer than last time and i had no perlite to add to the compost when i planted the rooted pellets but other than that its the same routine - except i have been on 24/0 light cycle this time and was on 18/6 before.
Could these mods have affected them?

PS. had to pull 3 big bang plants out of my flowering room 3 days ago as they went hermie - gutted, i got all three of them in my bedroom now, just below the window ledge so they can get 12 hours of light through the day then i'll keep them dark for the other 12 hours - not ideal but i figure if i can put up with them for 3 weeks they will have had 7 weeks flowering and hopefully still give me some average bud (seeded - but better than just chucking the last 3 months down the pan!).

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
Those leaves purplish or is that the light? Trace mineral deficency of some type.. resembles molybendum.. whats the ph runoff of that soil?
yes mate they are a tad purpleish - like an idiot i didn't check the run-off ph!! Looked in the sick plant thread and your right the molybendum def did look simillar when comparing my plants to the thread pics.

cheers for posting fella.

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
Flush them. thell love you for it!
Have done mate - they look as if they are perking up a bit already!! Fingers crossed - after my hermie probs with my current flowering plants i really want these clones (100% females) to go the distance!

PS. Big Bang plants from GHS - nowt but problems.