White Widow First Grow, but plants look totaly different.


Active Member
I ordered some White Widow feminized seeds. I was very excited that on my first try at germination, they both sprouted within one day. As they grew larger, I noticed that the two plants look completely different from one another. One is stout and has broad leafs (indica) and the other is more bushy looking with narrow leafs (sativa). I know that these plants are supposed to be 60% indica and 40% sativa...according to what I read. Just wondering if anyone can tell me why there's the difference?



Active Member
I want to point out that on both plants, the leafs look more crystal than any plant I've seen grown before. So I do believe they are what they say they are. Well, I guess I'll find out when they bud, eh?


Well-Known Member
They will do that. Look at and treat plants as if they are human.
I am short and have muscle.
My brother is tall and fat.
So plants will grow different as well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my WW did the same thing. I had one plant that was 9' showing thin leaves and another 4' plant with fat leaves. I hear it happens a lot.


Well-Known Member
It is plant genetics as mentioned. This is were the difference in expensive seeds and cheap ones come into play, with the expensive ones you might get 2 different looking plants out of ten seeds but all ten will look like one or the other. With cheap seeds all ten may look different. Understand ?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you might have a deficiency somewhere the edges of some of your leaves are yellowing,


Active Member
I had the same thing happen, I had three WW plants, and 1 grew much faster than the others and was less bushy. It turned out male.


Active Member
I haven't switched the light to 12/12 yet, but the plants are starting to show their sex. Should I? They're only 15inches.