White Widow strange leaves please help it driving me crazy.


Well-Known Member
100MEDIA_IMAG0241.jpg100MEDIA_IMAG0242.jpgIMAG0239.jpgIMAG0243.jpgI have a few White Widows going. They sprouted 10 days ago and have been been under 2 400w hps lights about 2 feet away with supplemental t5 fluros. They have been under constant 24 hr light cycle since birth and tomorrow will be day 11. I transplanted them yesterday into their 5 gallon home pots but the coloring was starting before that. I was a little foolish and gave them a feeding of 200ppms of grow big by fox farm but I don't think I overdid it. They have been in soiless mix and are currently in pete, verm, and perlite. 50 25 25 %. I water them every 3 days. The weird discoloration on some of the leaves started a couple days ago and the yellowing on that one leaf with spots on other leaves started then also. Idk if Im deficient or overfeeding. I just need a little help cause its my firsdt grow and I don't know what to do. the temp and humidity have been pretty steady at what the pic shows. I use distilled water only and after I mixed the solution the ph was 6.1, and the ppms were about 210. Any help is appreciated guys. Cause Im going crazy looking at pics and not seeing anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Well I just transplanted them but before that I used to water till I had runoff . And I will do the same now that their in the buckets.


Well-Known Member
looks like it could be the white mist as i call it, cant member what its actually called, try mixing a little bit of milk with water and spray onto your plants :)

hope this grow goes well!!

Good Luck !
