White Widow = WTF in need of help

so i have been growing WW for about 2.75 months now and it is about 9-12 inches tall and there are all these white hairs at the top.(yes im a newb) so im wondering if this can be flowering i hope not since i will yield a join but please help here is a pic. if it is flowering how often will i need to check on it since it is a gorilla grow.
thanks in advance. IMG_0479[1].jpgIMG_0478[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
Could be.. How about a side shot? What are you using for light, and on what schedule? Any weirdness like a power outage?


Well-Known Member
Hard to say as tet said, best if you give us a side view as close as pos. Tho I would think that it's far too early to tell.


Active Member
That shit looks like it is flower man. 2.5 months and 9-12 inches?? what the ....happened?? did you try to grow her by the flame of a match?? no for real though man they do look like they are in flower more details would be great. lights,nutes,medium..etc..thx bud.