white widow x AK47 breeding project


Well-Known Member
So, a fellow RUIer sent me 25 seeds he made of his best white widows crossed with his best ak47. This is basically white Russian as the new strain. I am planning on growing all 25 seeds and keeping all males and females around. I will chose the best looking male and harvest pollen from it and cross it with 1 of each of my 12 stains and see what happens. This will basically start as the grow of his seeds, and then evolve to the actual breeding project.

Anyway, 6 seeds are currently in a paper towel germinating.

For those that dont know, I have 2400 watt system right now. 1 400 watt for MH as well as some CFLs for seedlings/clones, 1 430, 1 600 and 1 1000 watter for flower. I have 12 strains going right now in my main grow which are

purple ak47
chocolate skunk
kings kush
fire og kush
mr nice
purple diesel
grade god
green candy kush

all of these will get crossed with the white Russian, seeds planted and from there I will back-cross some back to the original female strains and some back with the white Russian strain, to get hybrid back-crosses on both sides


New Member
hell yea man that is going to be the shit when you cross all of them strains. cant wait to see what the russian looks like


Well-Known Member
so 36 hours and 8/8 germinated for me. Hats off to a great RUI grower, thanks i appreciate the seeds.


Well-Known Member
I am really excited to cross my purple ak47 with the white russian...my purple is so sticky and crystal covered and is a quick ass flower time.

If anyone is interested in the strains I am crossing to this, I have them in my main grow thread, linked in my signature


Well-Known Member
these pics are from yesterday. they are doing good, about 2 inches tall now and doing what seedlings do.



Well-Known Member
yea they are coming up pretty quick. good thing the grower who sent them to me is a not an idiot


Well-Known Member
i think the purple ak47 x white russian will be my favorite. The double ak genes i think will make it hella good. I am hoping i can get these going quick enough to do them outdoor with my other plants.