Who else has a GREENMAN growroom?


Well-Known Member
just wondering if anyone else has a growroom like this. i basically just copied it straight out of the greenman videos on youtube. only thing different is i dont have a c02 tank and im not using hydro. just wanna see what others are doing in a similar space.


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck that song. how do you play out a song that sucks? i dont know. i was just wondering. i understand if you dont have the space, it would be hard but i had plenty of space. my rooms like 7 or 8 ft tall and i ended up ordering the seeds of a strain that stays short. i need some monster white widows or something next time i order


Well-Known Member
"only thing different is i dont have a c02 tank and im not using hydro"

He's a bit independant too it would seem, didn't copy shit.


Junior Creatologist
I got a K1Ng5p4d3 GrowRoom man!! ;) - lol, for all that space man you coulda fit about 6 or 7 more plants in there bro. Even in soil - if i had that much room id be buying square growpots so them bitches would just fit together side by side, and id be stuffin that room chock fulla nuggets.

n if your lookin to dose your plants up with Co2 and cant afford a 20 oz tank even for just the flowering phase, pick yourself up a bucket of Excellofizz Co2 pucks. You just add a little bit of water and it releases a controlled dose of Co2 into the growroom over an 8 hour period. They arent like the be all end all solution for people without tanks, but they work, and they do help give your plants a nice boost too if your room runs a little warm.

N theres a solution too if you dont have the resources or know how to grow in hydro. its called HydroGanics. you take a growpot, and make a plastic partition in the middle of the bucket, splitting the inside in half. You fill one side up with nothing but perlite, and the other side with nothing but promix/your favorite soil/soiless mix. Then you take a 4" grodan rockwool cube (the Big ass ones), and you place it on the top of the plastic partition, so half the cube is over the perlite, and half the cube is over your soil mix. once the roots grow through the cube and go into the pot, its on. You can water the perlite side with MASS quantities of water on a daily basis, and you can water the soil side once every 3-4 days, whenever it gets dry.

The main benefit of growing this way, is that you can get down right fuckin IGNORANT with your nutrients man, actually being able to dOUBLE the recommended doseage of nutrients, and your plants will suck it up, and not even show the smallest sign of nutrient burn. When the grow is done, youll see that the soil/soiless side has a eXTREMELY well developed root system, but the perlite side will have huge, overdeveloped, white, healthy massive roots -- this method of growing will not only increase your yield as it would if you grew in hydro, but it will also keep that organic quality present - preserving the strains flavor, potency, quality all around. Its the best of both worlds, n ill be trying that shit out on my next grow - its a way to grow hydroponically without having to fuck with airpumps, flood n drain tables, resevoirs, or anything else that comes along with an involved hydro grow. This is actually a relatively new way to grow, and the patent for the design of the bucket hasnt even gone through yet, so its not even in production at this time - you just have to make them on your own. BUT i do have the instructions, and i can take pics of the article for you guys that i read about it in, if you want.

I know that was all kinda off topic, but i just kinda saw an oppurtunity to help out as much as possible, cuz the way you were talkin about not havin Co2 or a hydro setup, just sounded like you wish you did. With these methods, you can have the best of both worlds - being able to grow like a proffessional with minimal cost - and still being able to get similar results that you would get if you sprung for an expensive hydro system, and a Co2 regulator, n all the bells n whistles man. I hope i helped out a little bit, n if you, or anyone wants to check out that HydroGanics system out, just message me, or post in here, and ill post it up for you guys to read in a seperate thread, so im not jackin this one from dude.


Well-Known Member
damn, im kinda stoned, but ill def. have to try out that method. and before, i did have the room filled up with 7 round pots like the ones you saw. they were all bagseed tho. its only been 8 months since i started the room and ive had 4 harvests all from bagseed and some was good , some wasnt. i ordered seeds way back but they got taken by customs so i ordered from dr chronic instead of nirvana again and got my seeds in a week to the south. soo im cloning right now and have 6 seedlings but im hoping the clones work out. the last clones i had got gnats in the roots and ate that shit like a termite, the larvae did anyway. so 8 clones, dead and now i have to start over so im workin on it.


Junior Creatologist
No worries man, you seem like you know what your doin anyways dude. youve already had multiple harvest in your grow space, so you know what works best for you. Sucks about your plants dying man, but for each error made, theres an adjustment made too, so that shit doesnt happen again :D good luck with your grow n all your future grows too man.


Well-Known Member
and do you water with different nutes, like hyrdo nutes vs. soil nutes? different amounts? im way interested and think im going to make one or two of those. so i would put it in rockwool from seed in a tray or just the same way?