Who else is super baked right now?

I'm 8 bong hits in………… I'm extremely baked. Who else is baked with me?
And how much did you smoke? I smoked about a gram and a half.


New Member
Who isn't baked here is the question , and why ?

I started today off with 2 one gram joints of Pre 98 Bubba Kush then dabbed some Jacks Cleaner oil and then I smoked some Thaighani .. Shit I am beyond baked .. I am high as a kite an stoned stupid at the same time .........Peace out .........PotSnob


Well-Known Member
Im really high and its really snowing outside and was scary driving through it but im safe and i have some really good bud on the bag it said something alaskan and he told me the strain a few times but i forgot, i am eating and eating i have chicken ala kiev on rice and subway cookies 8 of them muhaha

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I'm 8 bong hits in………… I'm extremely baked. Who else is baked with me?
And how much did you smoke? I smoked about a gram and a half.
Me too! I did like 5 whole marijuanas, I normally don't inject that many marijuanas because the last time I OD'd, and they had to give me an adrenalin shot to my heart just like in the movie Pulp Fiction.


Well-Known Member
Me too! I did like 5 whole marijuanas, I normally don't inject that many marijuanas because the last time I OD'd, and they had to give me an adrenalin shot to my heart just like in the movie Pulp Fiction.

Fooook, Blue, you're crazy! My friend's cousin's best friend's boyfriend did 5 marijuanas once and he started going into convulsions and ended up in the ER for like a month.


Well-Known Member
Fooook, Blue, you're crazy! My friend's cousin's best friend's boyfriend did 5 marijuanas once and he started going into convulsions and ended up in the ER for like a month.
Is that all. Hell I was their for 2months 3 days and 45 minutes . I was tore up, so were the nurses!!!


New Member
I had to put this Pre 98 Bubba KUSH on a scale today after sweating and air drying once more . This is a plant I always weigh when done , my others I dont care as much as they are very high yieldingP3035260.jpg :)


Well-Known Member
Sadly sober at the moment. I'm working on school work right now, and I can't write very well when i'm high.

Writing on a forum while high is different, because I just write in conversational style. It's a lot harder to be high and do academic writing and such... at least for me.


Well-Known Member
i lied :eyesmoke:
i lied.jpg
just a rough trim on those grams. one of the few times i broke out the scales, the kitchen scales :eyesmoke:

Sadly sober at the moment. I'm working on school work right now, and I can't write very well when i'm high.

Writing on a forum while high is different, because I just write in conversational style. It's a lot harder to be high and do academic writing and such... at least for me.
i was a technical writer for many years but prefer creative writing. i loved the "describe" something exercises when i was a student. now i just do it for fun. what are you studying smok3h if you don't mind me asking *in my innocent padawanar tone*


New Member
I just recently started smoking again since almost 2 years ago so for the past 2 weeks, it's more like 2-3 hits, eat, passout for 2 hours, wake up and repeat.