Who get major rep for new pict style!

Do you LIKE or DIS-LIKE the new RIU updates?

  • No - Better before but I don't know what I am doing!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50/50 - Explain what you like AND dislike!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
To whom it may concern,

GREAT FU*KING JOB! Now I know its be done before but you are the MAN/WOMAN for doing it here! Now your asking for what (as the title isn't very descriptive)? I love the way all the pictures don't send you to a new page. You don't have to back page to get to the thread you were just reading! The new semi-load (???) fade thingy that happens with the photos is the FReaKIN SHIT! :hump:

:clap:CLAPPING!!!!!:clap: CLAPPING!!!! :clap:STANDING CLAPPING!!!! :clap:EVERYONE STANDS AND CLAPS!!!!:clap:

Fantastic Job ..... Man, Woman, Dog or Monkey who eVeR did it Stand UP, Announce yourself and GAtheR YoUR PRAISE!
Come on people you clicked to get here and then back just click once more and VOTE!

Your opinion counts more than you may know, VOTE!!!!

!!B u m p!!