If you've tried it let me know your general feelings on it. What else fix you use with it? Results?
Allie and Dre
Allie and Dre
Both products are great although i recently changed to rockwool ,still using rapid start tho, i honestly see no difference between the plugs and wool other then the rockwool being a lil picky with ph nothing a lemon cant do , overall great products all aroundI thought you were talking about this .
Like I said. I use this as the "feed" solution in the domed tray that contains the clones IN the Root Riot cubes. When I use this. I get thicker "fuzzier" roots faster, that transplant with FAR less transplant shock then when I use the Clone X clone solution. The Clone X takes longer and makes for thinner, longer and weaker roots that transplant no where near as well as the ones from the Rapid Start.
I prefer the Root Riot brand to the Rapid Rooters from GH.
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I feel that the increased size of the Root Riot brand make for stronger, more established roots at transplant. (In other words, I've had better long term success with them when transplanting to hydro from the trays.)