Whole Grow....Hermies. Startin New.

Well the hermies ended my grow officially. Being a small personal grower it hurts bad to loose 6 female plants at 28 days of flower to sex change. Denver rec shops will see my business again after 2 years. But my people and friends have been more than kind and donated Denver Med/Rec found bag seeds to the cause, (cause they love my generosity on their no weed days). I love these seeds. They come few and far between but when they sprout it's always a good grow. It's like a trimmer throws a genetic seed into the trimmed buds for the lucky finder every now and then.
I've popped soil with 3 in solos from paper towel, (not Denver Rec/Med found seeds) and 4 more are soon. ( 2 of these are rec med seeds, solos are marked "hooter", the donator. yeah hooter. a self proclaimed name change. weed works in mysterious ways. thanks for the gift my Friend.) I was also blessed with a donated 3 month old veg that the grower went a little over the edge with. It's in MG soil with MG nutes. I seen it a few time back when and it was looking damn good. Don't know what happen but she needs lovin. I'll keep tuned in with the progress of the newbies in the room. Thanks for the likes and feedback in past posts. Like this community, always looking for a new ear to knaw on. Pease. (the 3 seen sprouts in the pics are gsc's from Hawaii bought on ebay a few or so months back. 25 bird seeds for 15 bucks. yeah they wernt girl scout cookies. but they did make for a real nice outgrow last season. damn that was a hard grow a mile in the air cold/hot/coldagian/hail/wind/wind/didimentionwind/outside grow in colo. yeah, never again) (And, nice to see life in the room again, thank you my friends.) Pease my Growers, hopefully soon my friends.



Well-Known Member
The bigger plant looks like its about to turn the corner from going back into veg. I cant see the leaf formation to well from the angle.Was it harvested, or trained like that? The new growth looks like the plant will be flourishing again. Ive had reveg's take close to two months to transition back. Hopefully thats all it is. Cheers man.
The bigger plant looks like its about to turn the corner from going back into veg. I cant see the leaf formation to well from the angle.Was it harvested, or trained like that? The new growth looks like the plant will be flourishing again. Ive had reveg's take close to two months to transition back. Hopefully thats all it is. Cheers man.
Yeah it's a donation to the cause. She was a scientific experiment to a new grower gone wrong. Have her recuperating in ER right now. She's my 2 week recoup in veg and buds in a couple months, not much, but buds.; Don't want to go to Denver at all, at all, did I mention how much I hate they stuck all the rec shops in Denver. Colo may be legal, but only in the where they say areas. Can't but grass at loaf and jug yet. But I can buy beer. Go figure;. Love and Peace. Thanks for responding. Good night and sleep well.