whole plant is slowly turning yellow


Hey guys, my plant is slowly turning yellow it was a dark green now its lime green and older/bottom leafs are turning yellow! 2 weeks into flowering. Will upload pics in a couple mins!


Well-Known Member
Got any details for us? Feeding, temps, watering, PH, etc.
Looks like probably just starting to get light on N, but some details would help if you want any accurate answers.
Think of it like going to the doctor and saying your stomach hurts.
Do you want him to shove a suppository up your ass, or find out maybe you can take some Pepto instead?


Its under 150 CFL, 5 inches away, i didnt nute for 12 days then i finally got some and feed her, i was watering eveyday then heard thats a No no, so i skip a day now then water then il skip and feed and so forth!


Active Member
I can't see it but from sounds of it if it's a n problem foliar feeding with a n product can help right away then fix nutes. Also if you foliar with some real kelp extract that makes it dark green. Good stuff is black.