Whoreable's Grow


Well-Known Member
Im doing the same this time, Its a single feminized seed thats what Im told.
It looks very similar to the last grow, same color and it seems to be short and bushy. You can look at my Gallery and i have an old grow album and also and old Journal log.
Well here's how it got started:
Im going to call this 'Fools Bud' Since its date of germination :smoke2:
Hopefully I wont be a fool.

Germination on 4/1, planted 4/3, had some problems till like 4/6. I found out the shell was still attatched to top disabling the first set of leaves.

So i guess its about a weeks worth roughly of healthy growing.
which is decent id say, my last grow was about this old but in direct sunlight and had no problems starting photosythensis.

Sorry for rambling, Ive had a little bowl, or 4. :)
Anyways, hope these images work, I thought you had to have them approved.


Well-Known Member
Changed the lights to a closer position lastnight, Ive noticed some growth but Ive also noticed the first two leaves to emerge are starting to curl inwards on the outter edges, kinda like a taco.
I think it might be Heat and or Water related because lastnight I soaked the transplanted soil, so Ill give it time to dry out.
Otherwise its comin along.



Well-Known Member
Managed to take a new clearer picture, this camera is real picky about its input settings and whatnot.

Heres the plant under a few hours of a T12 Grow Light, nothing too much of a difference.
Im noticing alot of new growth near the nodes, small little leaves giving birth to smaller leaves, Hopefully they will explode with growth in the next 2 weeks under this new lighting scheme.
the curling has ceased but the smaller newest leaves have some curling but I think thats just development from being born.



Well-Known Member
Some very minor LST'ing here, would you all suggest just tying down leaves as they enlarge or start bending the stem aswell?
Ive got a few feet tall wise



Well-Known Member
Im just labeling it 'Fools Bud' because the germination day was on April 1st, Fools Day.

Im hoping to not be a fool and have this become a female ;)

Im uncertain of the Strain of weed, but It was in a Chronic sack, I know the weed has the potential to be better if it didnt focus its energy on the seeds.


Well-Known Member
I know that silly, i think you maybe mistook my sentence.

Yah, not sure about the strain, bagseed but decent chronic it was.