Well-Known Member
Hello Friends , Was gonna get a clone machine off amazon maybe clone king .
any advice on whats the best bang for my buck ?
thanks !
any advice on whats the best bang for my buck ?
thanks !
I have an ez-clone and it's not very ez. It's such a pain in the ass because of contamination that I usually just use a humidity dome and a heat mat with grodan trays. I'm thinking about getting an oxyclone because it's more tolerant of higher ambient temps than the ez-clone, but I'm not sure if it's even worth it since the humidity dome is fast and doesn't take up much space.
Out of curiosity, how does your water get contaminated? I've never ran into that issue.
I run mine for about a month just adding plain tap water, and do a apple cider vinegar and water rinse cycle for an hour, then back into production she goes.
The first time it was these little wildflower seeds that I was growing in the same room that explode and launch themselves across the room and fall into the ez-clone. The second time lady bugs fell in it and drowned. The ez-clone has a lip around the outside that catches anything that falls down the side. I use pool shock at the correct concentration to prevent contamination, but it only lasts for the first couple days and changing the water every 2 days is not going to happen. I've had great results with it too, but if I don't have extra mothers available I don't use it because I don't want to risk wasting time and destroying all my cuttings.
That's the first I've ever heard of such issues. I feel for you!
I've used mine in three extremely different environments, across two provinces and I haven't ever had any such issue.
just build one.
cheap tote/cooler/whatever, small pump and some misters and you have yourself a cloner that works exactly the same as the big brands but at a fraction of the cost.
I used an old cooler i had laying around. Works great
What kind of machine is it? It might not have a lip around the edge that catches shit. That's one of the reasons I like the oxy-clone, no lip.
Mine's a Clone King. It doesn't appear to be the same as an EZ Cloner at all. There's no lip or anywhere to catch anything in mine. There's no way anything can get into the reservoir unless I've got the unit open.
You can see how anything that falls down the side goes into a moat:
I've been using this 25-site aero-cloner for more than five years, rooted hundreds of clones across at least two dozen strains easy in that time.
I've had to replace a couple of the nozzles, but I simply bought a 100 pack from my local grow shop a couple of years ago for less than $10. I've also had to replace some of the neoprene, but those were very cheap as well. As far as the net pots, I cut the bottom off of all of them.
Still using the original pump it came with, and haven't had any issues whatsoever.
I wouldn't clone any other way anymore, unless I was forced to for whatever reason.
What timing do you use for the pump? 24 hours?
What timing do you use for the pump? 24 hours?