Whos the guy that got pulled over in concord??


Active Member
Pulled over for seat belt violation, they found pot and the guy let them come search his house to find his grow room, 4lbs of MJ, guns and pills. They didn't arrest him cause he was so coopterative~


Well-Known Member
Pulled over for seat belt violation, they found pot and the guy let them come search his house to find his grow room, 4lbs of MJ, guns and pills. They didn't arrest him cause he was so coopterative~
thats the first story ive ever heard of someone being let go because they were cooperative. i cooperated once, and just made the job easier for the dickhead cops...now i will never say shit!


Well-Known Member
They may have let him go at the time but, they know where he is and they sent it to the prosecutors office. I bet he will be charged and will do time.


Well-Known Member
being Michingan is MMJ legal, and our limit as a PT is 2.5 oz. even as a legal CG with 5 legal Pts (including yourself) you can only have up to 15 oz. legally here in Mi.

even a Co Op of 5 CG each with 5 Pts and themselves as a pt, can only have 75 oz. or 4.68 lbs.

yes hes going for a federal journey.