whos used halo before? harpin alpha betain protein


Active Member
ive been suggested for that yesterday and told that anyone that tried it hooked on this , i was about to make a thread , i searched eith the forum's search engine and nothing realative came out , ive been redirected via google tho ...

guess ill have to test it my self on one individual and see what comes out


Well-Known Member
oldthread i know but ive used this and had great results, thats the reason i found this thread i was wondering about anyone elses results.

so anyone else used halo ? what were your results and did you have any problems. i only used through veg myself, anyone use in flower ?


Well-Known Member
I have used it and love it !!!! I am debating using it on my critical mass since they are on the full house and garden line and they dont have a foliar for flowering. I think I may HALO 3 of them and leave 3 of them alone, I will probably do it in the next few days (the critical mass are so beautiful I dont think I can make them any better) and we can see a direct comparison. They will have 2-3 sets of HALO in the rest of flowering.


Pester me about it if I forget.


Chee Zee

you say 2 - 3 sets of halo in flowering. ive been told you can use it a maximum of 4 times per plants lifespan but then my mates are using it every 2weeks and having incredible results.

this is my first time using it and i love it already, after using it the whole plant has greener leaves, seems stronger and grows reaally fast, some strains more than others ive noticed (bubble cheese has gone crazy but my jacky white not so much)

how many times do YOU use halo for the life of the plant?? and when do you spray?? ( once in veg, once at sign of flowers and once halfway through 12/12) is what ive been told but interested to see what other people are doing...



New Member
There has been little to no research done on how the protein effects humans, it might increase harvest but it might also be very carcinogenic, has there been any research done on reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity and acute toxicity. Remember that this is going to be used for smoking.