Why are my autos so droopy? Help Appreciated


Active Member
My 4 autoflowers have all been relatively happy for 6 weeks. Apart from breaking the main stem off of my Blue Critical everything has gone smoothly. But now all my plants (besides the Blue Critical oddly enough which is the only one looking happy and healthy) are droopy.

I'm growing organically with Gaia Green, pro-mix hp, and worm castings. I started with tbsp of 4-4-4 per gallon, and then at week 4 I added a 50/50 ration of 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 gaia green bloom as a top dress and watered it in with a compost tea (EWC, organic molasses & soluble kelp). They were looking unhappy a few days ago so i made another EWC tea also with molasses, worm castings, and kelp. I've been watering them every 2-3 days.

Anyone have any insight into what's going on. Is this nutrient burn or over watering, or even light burn (they stretched fast this week and I keep moving the lights up but they got close a few mornings)?IMG_20200826_130425.jpg
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If they are full of water and firm but droopy, then you are overwatering......

if they are brittle and lifeless then they are underwatered
Interesting. Thanks Savage. I thought I was overwatering them, but the leaves seem very papery and brittle. Perhaps I got a bit too paranoid that I was overwatering and went the other way.

Using dry amendments or any time release the more you water the more you’re feeding. So be careful not to over water. Let them really dry out before watering.

Now they are showing signs of calcium deficiency and most of the leaves are dying. I tested the run off and it was around 5.5 (as low as my cheap test goes). My soil is way too acidic which sort of explains all the weird symptoms. Although there may have been overwatering, there are definitely weird lock out issues going on because my soil is too acidic. I watered today with normal tap water (7.8 in my city). If it's going in the right direction in a few days I'll keep watering at higher without any ph down. I hope that helps. I'm gonna make up a tea and add a tiny bit of dolomite lime a bit of basalt rock dust which as magnesium and calcium.

Does that plan make sense?