Why are my plants growing so slow?


Active Member
My plants were planted 1/17 and sprouted about 1/21. Its been a solid week and a half and the first set of true leaves have developed and the triple set of leaves is just about to pop out.

Im looking at other peoples grow, what could it be?

I have 2 (24w) CFLs on each plant going 24 hours a day and I water every day and the temperature is 74 constant. It is next to a water heater and I am afraid methane from heating the water in the water heater might be impeding growth.

PS. Also what experiences do you guys have with plants that have genetic mutations EG a plant that has 5 sets of weird leaf-like protrusions.



Well-Known Member
check out my link... that's about as fast as you can expect.... i had one plant that grew 3 sets of everything at every node... paln on cloning and seeing if the genetics are transferable...


Active Member
These broke the surface around Saturday last week and this photo was taken yesterday. So call it 8 days from seed poppin.



Active Member
Sorry mate I'm wasted. Forgot the original question.

Yeah I've got experience with mutant plants. It happens some times. Also, I've had a few mutants which turned out to be the best plants I had at the time. Usually it's a genetic thing.

Here's a mutant I had. All the leaves came out the same part of the plant and all headed in the same direction. This plant was on the cotyledon leaf stage for 2 weeks. Meaning by the time that plant sprouted those leaves the others I planted at the same time were already hitting their third node.



Well-Known Member
first your feeding them 2 much at that age!! you dont have 2 feed everyday wait untill the soil drys out b4 you feed again, second make sure your using a 6500 cfl for grow,also i give my seedlings 100 ppm nutes i give them half veg nutes and half flower nutes they need both flower and veg nutes at that age


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt be ferting till a couple weeks after they sprout. plants will provide their own nutes for the first week or two..begin your ferts at 1/4 strength at the max and slowly build up the plants ability to consume more and more nutes...great way to make em grow good and deter your chances to get defficiencies.