why are my plants so bushy


Active Member
Currently 3 week into flowering
when im looking on other people's threads, there plants are the same strain, but less bushy with hardly any leaves.

My strain is white widow and big bang 2

?? Please help.


Active Member
as you just said, since your light cant get any higher, you need to get the light CLOSER. About a foot from the top of the plants.


Active Member
will it not burn the tops though as,, its a 400w hps ?
just keep an eye on them. If you notice heat damage, back the light up a few more inches.
What kind of fertilizer are you using. That looks like a lot of veg and not much bud production. Are you using a feed high in N? You might need to switch to a flowering feed higher in P and K. I had this same issue with a hydro grow, the pH was off and P&K were getting locked out.


Hi dude, this is my 1st post/reply. Im growing my 1st White Widow (1 plant) 1st grow. I put mine to 12/12 on friday. Mine are very similar to you, very busy, I toped it just before flowering because I didnt want to run out of room in my grow box. Ive been using bio bizz grow and now flower. Be intresting to see how ours turn out as very similar in grow time. Im also using a 400w hps. La8r m8 : )


Well-Known Member
Dont be afraid to lower your light, I use 1000 hps at about a foot from the tops with no probs, nice dense growth and fat buds!! Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Different Phenotypes dude.. Not every seed will grow the same. If you cloned thats a different story. For instance when i buy seeds I always get 2 or 3 different type of Phenotypes even though they are the same strain.