Why are my plants unhappy? Weird Leaves & Colors!!!!!! PICTURES


Active Member
Ok here is my setup:

2 x 1000 HPS lights with air ventilation
30 Gallon Reservoir
PH is about 6.3
I use rocks and rockwoll cubes
I have two fans
Temp is about 82
I had a PH problem where is was at 7.2 for two days but now back down to 6.2
I also had a nute problem and flushed the res and made a new batch at 1/2 of what i normally do.
This batch is currently into two weeks of flowering.

I'm not sure what to do in order to get them back to normal. I flushed and redid the nutes but everyday that I go down there it seems like they are getting worse and worse. Is there something that I can do besides foliar feeding them tonight with rooting excellerator to get them back to where they were a week ago? Also using the setup that I have should I be aiming for my PH to be 6.1 to 6.3 or should it be lower?



Asshole Patrol
Someone may have some better advise here, though, from what I can tell, your plants have been through a bit of stress? Give them a week or so in a stable environment. If they keep running downhill, then maybe reassess what's going wrong.

Sorry I cant be more help with what's specifically wrong... Sounds to me like you've got yourself on track at this point.


Well-Known Member
looks like you are getting the lights to close which is causing heat stress.plus you have to watch the ph like a hawk when growing in rockwool,and nute burn and topping(well it looks like you topped atleast 1)can all cause further stress.
i think you just need to keep the ph at the right level,where you are now is fine,but as low as 5.8 is fine too.you need to stop overfeeding.just stabilize everthing and they should get back to good health.