Why can I see roots at the top of my soil

normal, you're overwatering a bit there is algae growth, let them not dry out but almost dry then water until runoff then repeat.

Some plants will grow dumb as hell you just gotta either use stakes, netting etc.. or let them do their thing.
I never seem to get run off for some reason. One day I gave it 2l of water and only a dribble came out the bottom.

Container Sizes
Container SizeGallon SizeMetric Vol.
#2 container#2 gallon6.31 liters
Assuming you're in a #2 container, 2 liters should certainly produce runoff. I would let the soil dryback to where it feels just moist and the container is lightweight then hit it again with 2 liters. You should get run off you may just have to space out your waterings so its not being bogged down. This is one reason I grow in coco instead of dirt.

It should only take around 1-1.5 liters to produce runoff in a 2 gallon or 7 liter container.

I am waiting for US to switch to Metric... One of these centuries.