Why do my clones keep dying within a day! :(:(

I've tried cloning twice now....did everything by the book, (I think) cut at 45 degree angle with clean blade, dip in rooting gel, then put into rockwool that has been dipped in purified water with no chemicals. Chopped off the smaller leaf branches and cut down the big leaves....why do they droop after a day?

*hydro system, vivid gro lights*



Active Member
I've had issues as well. However imo your cuttings are a little big. Since they are large cuttings you NEED atleast 85% rh. And spray with water multiple times a day. Also 24hrs of light is recommended. My issues are stem rot since i'm using perlite and vermiculite. Stayed way too wet


Well-Known Member
I find if you place cutting in 24 hr darkness prior to putting in rockwool they seem to make the transition a lot easier,that laying down thing seen lots do that ,


Well-Known Member
Yea or just try the same thing with a humidty dome and heat pad or somthing like this I made this for I think 35 $ maybe 40$ 20180101_135927.jpg
And they have been loving it


Well-Known Member
You could run around the block a dozen times to,or spend two bucks and call it a day


Well-Known Member
I've tried cloning twice now....did everything by the book, (I think) cut at 45 degree angle with clean blade, dip in rooting gel, then put into rockwool that has been dipped in purified water with no chemicals. Chopped off the smaller leaf branches and cut down the big leaves....why do they droop after a day?

*hydro system, vivid gro lights*
What kind of light do you put the clones under?

I use rock wool and just plain tap water and very rarely lose any cuts. I don't use a dome and I don't use root gels or dips. Just cut the clipping then instantly dip it in plain water then put it in the pre moistened rock wool cube and place it in a shadowed area under my veg light, a t5 style light.


Well-Known Member
If that's where you keep them I'd say they're too close to the light. If the light on the clones is too intense they will overexert themselves and wilt like that. All they need is enough light not to die. Another thing I like to do, thanks to @RM3, is mix up an extremely weak solution of bleach water in a cup (like a few drops of bleach to a gal tap water), and as soon as I cut one I put it in the cup. Once they're all cut they go to the cloner.

I also use tap water on the clones until they begin to grow the root nodules. All the shit they put in tap water is to keep bacteria/algae from growing in it, same things that you don't want growing on the cuttings.