Water/soil youre using doesnt contain enough of either, to sustain, and progress with life. If it keeps having these deficiencies, and thats what they really are.
WEED, is a very very heavy user of both Magnesium, and Calcium. Mg, is the #1 deficiency in container grow in plants. Not nearly the problem it used to be, because it is well researched, and well known.
While N P K Are 1st tier Essential Macro Nutrients.
Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur, are Secondary Essential Nutrients. ALSO KNOWN AS ELECTROLYTES.
Nitrogen, can be classified as Both, but is very weak, and not generally included in with Essential Secondary Nutrients, and if using NPK fert, youre already getting Nitrogen.
Another thig to remember is.
Nitrogen to a Plant, is the same thing Protein is, to a human. Humans eat protein like eggs, and then your body converts it into Nitrogen. Thats why many athletes eat Protien every2-4 hours, is so they stay in Positive Nitrogen Balance. Whichis also known as being in an Anabolic State. Anabolic means to build up. If you or the plant ect, doesnt have enough Nitrogen, you go CATABOLIC, which means to tear down. You start using YOUR OWN Lean Tissue/PLANT LEAVES, for energy, and repair, that aint gonna happen, because you/ plaant is literally eating itself alive.
Not enough Mg? You have a heart attack, but probably other complications, before you finally have something go wrong. I myself, take Mg Glycinate every day. 420mg. same for calcium. Your bones get weak. Teeth fall out. Immune system fucked, before the final blowout. Things will happen t plants, only in slightly different symptoms. I pretty much look the plant as being extremely close in chemical needs. Both need All the Macro-Secondary, and Micro Nutrients.
An example for Micro Nutrient supplementation.
KELP is a great source of Micros for both Humans, and Plants, and many of the very best vitamins, get their micros, from Kelp. We basically have the same needs, just different form. I believe Chlorophyll, is only 1 molecule away, from blood. Kelp is a basic, for many Organic Growers.
Main thing is the plants need a balanced feed. Nothing more nothing less. Dont force feed them, but enough to make them healthy. And remember Mg, and Calcium, are extremely important, and weed, is a heavy user of both. And that doesnt mean to OD them on it. It means that they need to be in constant, readily supply, along with every other essential element. I myself like a 1-1-2 Ratio. My fert is 19.5-20-39, which translates into basically a 1-1 -2 ratio. Technically probably .90-1-2
I was using Hydro Gardens Weed Specific Fertilizer. 4-20-39, then Calcium Nitrate-Epsom Salts, but covid, wiped them out, so I switched to Master Blend Tomato formula. 4-18-39 + 15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate. About 20% Calcium. Epsom Salts. Thats as close as Ill ever find to the ratio, I was using, and is close enough.
Using Chemicals I like to use something where I can use Calcium Nitrate, and then supplement my own Magnesium/Sulfur, with Epsom Salts, which is Magnesium Sulfate. I like this better, than Cal/Mag.