Why do newbies hate the Elite People?

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Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
General question for all to answer.

Why is it that when you ask something specific, You get a bunch of people with very little knowledge, giveing advise on things that were not even asked. And then giveing smart ass answers on your thread about some little question asked on a totally different Threads..

Hmmm, there should be a forum where only Elite people can post. Maybe then we can weed out the IDIOTS.

I figure only the IDIOTS will get upset over this post, So I am ready to make a list.. :lol:

To tell you the truth. There is only a hand full of people on this forum worth listening to.

One guy busted my balls because I asked why Arjan used a PH of 5.5 in his soil grows... Hmmmmmm So that question makes me a newbie... WOW.

And then he went on to call me a newbie again because I mentioned I sucked at soil grows, and that I was better growing in Hydro.. Hmmmmm. WOW,, someone is better at one style then another... WOW again.

But Now that I have soil down, I doubt i will go back to hydro. The smell, taste and nuggs are much better IMHO, and the cost for nuts is lower.

Still seems like since the change in format has happened that a lot of new members now bash the Elite MEMBERS.

No names were mentioned, to protect the Stupid.

Stop being so CHEAP and make a small donation.
If someone gives you advise you thank them and you don't bitch and whine like a pussy about how that advice is delivered.

Just my 2 cents.

People take time out of their lives to try to help you and you shit on them.

Good luck with your grow.
you have to send them money. I think it is 5 bux. It helps support the site and you get to go in the 'elite' forums and you get a plaque on your name..
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