Why do they look like this?(pics)


2 45w CFL approx 1inch close to the plants
MG moisture control soil

Not using any nutrients.
Barely any heat coming from lights
Fan running around the plants

The last picture, if you notice, the tips of the leafs are also yellow...

What's going on?


Well-Known Member
2 45w CFL approx 1inch close to the plants
MG moisture control soil

Not using any nutrients.
Barely any heat coming from lights
Fan running around the plants

The last picture, if you notice, the tips of the leafs are also yellow...

What's going on?
Don't see a pic??


Well-Known Member
i dont think those plants look to bad man, if your not using any nutes, and your sure heat isnt a issue, it must be your water (by proccess of elimination) or something less obvious


I boil my water and let it cool off to room temperature before using it. I don't think water would be the problem?


Well-Known Member
I boil my water and let it cool off to room temperature before using it. I don't think water would be the problem?
The best advice I could give you is DO NOT OVER WATER it is easy to love your plants to much pick up the pot rite after you water then plick one up when it is dry.. There is a huge difference ...
The best advice I could give you is DO NOT OVER WATER it is easy to love your plants to much pick up the pot rite after you water then plick one up when it is dry.. There is a huge difference ...
I Agree! i always water my plant by weight. The plant needs its root system to be on a wet dry cycle. If the bottom roots are always wet it may go in to root rot.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, forgot to upload them..
Here they are
They look good. It looks like they are trying to turn towards a light source.. If it is rotate the plants to try and keep them even until you can get another light or something to help out what you got.


Makes sense... other than expensive lighting systems that would run me a couple hundred bucks what could I add? HPS/MH are pretty much out of the questions because my closet is fairly small and I do have clothes in there etc.. as well as not really cost effective at the moment.. but it would be nice to have decent size plants even If I only kept 2.. right now I have 2 45w CFLs plugged into 2 workshop lights hah.. If I would add just say 2 more 45w CFLs would that do the trick? and another setup other than workshop lights? that would use up 2 outlets..


Well-Known Member
Makes sense... other than expensive lighting systems that would run me a couple hundred bucks what could I add? HPS/MH are pretty much out of the questions because my closet is fairly small and I do have clothes in there etc.. as well as not really cost effective at the moment.. but it would be nice to have decent size plants even If I only kept 2.. right now I have 2 45w CFLs plugged into 2 workshop lights hah.. If I would add just say 2 more 45w CFLs would that do the trick? and another setup other than workshop lights? that would use up 2 outlets..
There is a lot of people on this site that grows sick bud with clf's. You just need to add more. I would go to the cfl section of this site and look around. There is a lot of good growers that can help you on how many you need.(lights). I am sorry I don't use cfl or I would help. You can make you own cfl hood cheap if that would help, or buy a reflector form lowes or wal-mart.


Well-Known Member
Is This Better?
Looks like that should be better than what you had.. If you use a refletor you will use more of your light. When the plants get bigger you will have to change the way you have the lights to give the plants more even light. Just do what you can to get as much light to the plants.


Yeah all my plants were bending one way, towards the light I guess.. so I just bought 2 other CFLs 42w instead of the 45s since they were half the price haha. so now i have cool white and warm white CFLs haha hopefully adding more light shall cure my problem of my plants bending and curling ....


Well-Known Member
If you plan to grow 4, 20-24 inch plants, I would recommend 12 lights as seen in the pics. 8 - 42 watts on top and 4 - 23 watts going horizontal along the wall at about 14-16 inches high. The side lights(23's) dont come on until about week 3 of flower but thats just to save power, its not necessary. By the end of flower, the side buds are usually right at the same height as the lights. Ive seen grows done with less but, Ive found 8-42's and 4-23's set up this way to be the "sweet spot". Most veg for about 3 weeks, then flower for 8 weeks. Average yield is 1 - 1.5 oz/plant. Im even thinking of adding a screen to about 3-5 inches below the side lights and doing a ScrOG with 2 clones.

