Why doesn't Anyone Know What's Wrong with My Seedlings?

Ok, Ive posted my problem on other forums and no one can figure out whats wrong with my seedlings.They are about 1 week and the bigger is little over 2 weeks, im just showing 4 but i have like 35 and all look like this. Ive grown for over 5 years now and never came across this problem. Im losing sleep over it and tried everything. I first had a soil mix that i always used and saw this problem so i switched to lamberts pro mix which has peatmoss, vermiculite, perlite, and the right amount of dolimite lime. The P.H. is reading 7.0 for the soil and the water i water them with says 6.0-6.5. I have two 600 watt digital hps's and since its summer now the temps have gone up in my grow room. During the winter they stay a even 75 but now it goes anywhere from 78-83. I havent ferilized yet but i did use Advanced nutrients revive 1-0-0 since they were looking shitty and i used their B-52, Cal/Mg Grow,sensi zym, priranah, trantula, and voodoo juice all in small amounts. Do you think its the heat? or maybe the soil? Or to much or to little cal or mg? Deficiancies? i have no idea ive re transplanted and flushed. Some one has to know



Active Member
they don't look that bad, the first leaves to me look like maybe the soil is a little too hot maybe. The rest looks pretty healthy. Unless they get worse I wouldn't worry too much. I wouldn't give them any nutes, that soil should have enough in it for a few weeks at least.
no, if ive seen this before do you think i would take the time to go to a forum? ive always used 400 watt lights and i switched to 600s over the winter and the temp stayed a even 75. Now that its summer i cant get the temps below 83 unless i put an air conditioner in. Maybe it is the soil being to hot becuz ive never had temps like this. And it is getting worse, all the leaves are doing the same thing on the edges.


Well-Known Member
well i think your awnser lie's in your question if youve been growing for five years and you never had this problem until the summer then maybe its you heat/humidity,.....you may wanna cut your losses and get a a/c....


Active Member
...I havent ferilized yet but i did use Advanced nutrients revive 1-0-0 since they were looking shitty and i used their B-52, Cal/Mg Grow,sensi zym, priranah, tarantula, and voodoo juice all in small amounts. Do you think its the heat? or maybe the soil? Or to much or to little cal or mg? Deficiencies? i have no idea ive re transplanted and flushed. Some one has to know
Ok I would say they have been nute burned, pic one looks like it was burned when it was younger but the new growth looks good, the week olds are probably still suffering from nute burn. Did you transplant back into fresh Lambert's? The transplants will do them good as long as you dont add all that crap you listed above...
i transplanted all of them into the lamberts pro mix. and just watered them and the new leaves started looking exactly the same as when they were in the soil mix un fertilized i made and always used.
they all looked like this before i used the revive 1-0-0 or i woudlnt have used revive if they didnt look great. i dont think its burn
how is it burn if they looked like this before i gave them the revive. The revive is all the fertilizer they have had becuz before that it was a soil mix un fertilized with just perlite and vermiculite and just water. they looked like this so i transplanted to lamberts pro mix and they still looked like this with the new leaves. When i transplanted the soil felt really warm. Maybe the temp in the room is making the soils temp to high. The only thing ive changed in 5 years is now its hotter inside during the summer since i switched to 600s and im using that lamberts pro mix since the soil i was using made them look like this also. I am using advanced instead of humboldt this year but i havent used any fertilizers yet just vitamins, enzyms, benificial bacteria and stuff like that.