Why hello!


So I just thought I'd ask about everyone's best/worst high experiences, 'cause I love those stories ^_^

My best: Just a night of smokin' and drinkin' at my friend's house, with about 20 other chill people. I remember I was laying on the floor thinking (or saying) "damn, it's cold in here" and then next thing I know there's a buff, shirtless and oh-so-warm guy laying down next to me.

My worst: I took 2 hits from my gravity bong (usual amount for me) and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm with my two best friends, and we decide to go sit outside and enjoy the night. By the time we get out there, I just have to lie down; I feel like I've just gotten off the teacup ride. Pretty soon I'm trippin like I never have before. My body wouldn't stop spasming and twitching and I was mildly hallucinating, as in I saw people materializing out of the trees. I was freaking out and couldn't figure out what was happening and why, and looking back, I still don't know why that happened. Any ideas?

And share your stories! :eyesmoke:


Undercover Mod
One time I smoked jane laced with H. That sucked. Not on prupose had no idea.

Always good times chillin with friends smoking

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
dont remember best...i usually enjoy it......worse is when i OD on anti anxiety/sleeping pills....want to talk about dizzy and hallucinating...i remember talkin to my ex on webcam and she had a towel on the chair which i swear was screaming at me....next thing i no i fell down, then puked as i crawled upstairs...dont remember much after that