Why is my new growth growing like this?


Well-Known Member
Any one have any clue why my new growth is growing like this? The new leafs look like shriveled up. I'm using fox farm soil, always ph my water 6.5-6.8. Here a pic of the plant also should I trim it before blooming? Plant is insanely busy.
New leafs growing shriveled up


Well-Known Member
Leaves are a little too green young friend...stop fertilizing now. I'm concerned your plant is developing the claw. You'll know soon enough one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks last time I fed nutirents was couple days ago 250ppm of fox farm nutirents still a noob so learning from my mistakes. She was growing slow so I thought if I feed nutirents she would grow faster but didn't realize I was giving it to much nutirents. Could this be why some of my bottom leafs are Turing yellow? To much nutirents?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Red stems indicate lack of phosphorus, and dark, fucked up leaves indicate a high nitrogen content. I suspect you overnuted and fucked up your pH a significant amount.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Nevermind, you're still veg'ing. It still needs phosphorus, not just nitrogen, and you are using too much nitrogen, for sure. I can't say if it's lockout due to pH or absence of phosphorus entirely, though.


Well-Known Member
You need higher P and K and pretty much no N in flower. You're aware of that, right? Are you using veg nutes?
yea I'm aware of that and I'm using fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. I didn't over water it. I was just asking if I should flush it. I haven't check ph in soil but I do ph my water to 6.5-6.8 some where around their before water my plants. I'm gonna check water in soil next time I water it.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
yea I'm aware of that and I'm using fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. I didn't over water it. I was just asking if I should flush it. I haven't check ph in soil but I do ph my water to 6.5-6.8 some where around their before water my plants. I'm gonna check water in soil next time I water it.
Check the soil pH. Water won't matter for nothing if the soil is too low.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
If you say you're using 1/4 strength, you're probably doing it too often, or your nutes are high in nitrogen, making the soil more acidic and N toxic'ing your plant.


Well-Known Member
probably a bit rootbound with that much foliage; looks like you did a bunch of training to encourage wide growth with 'multi-cola' production, lst you said right? So along with your nutrient dialing in, I'd recommend potting up just before going into 12/12 and be ready for staking your blooms as they develop.


Well-Known Member
If you say you're using 1/4 strength, you're probably doing it too often, or your nutes are high in nitrogen, making the soil more acidic and N toxic'ing your plant.
I tested the runoff water and its 6.0 ph. Is that to low of a ph for the soil? I think it to much nutirents from what u guys are telling me. I feed nutirents not to Long ago and since then it started to claw.
