Why is my Stem Purple and Red...?


Active Member
some strains get the red stems naturally. the big bang strain i grow gets red stems but the blueberry skunk i grow doesnt. they are both grown in the same environment and fed the same nutes at the same times. yet their growth characteristics are very different and give me two very different kinds of bud.


why is my plant one node pink still is it cuz its cold
Its fine man i have a few plants going now and 1 has bright red stems and it is putting out beautiful buds they are getting fat and covered with crystals oooo its so pretty. A couple others that are still in veg have purpal stems and are growing like 'weeds' lol.

Im not an expert at all but my theory is that each strain looks a little different and if everything looks healthy i wouldnt worry bout it. I like to think im growing some excotic strain.


Well-Known Member
could you pop a picture up?? the purple will be coz of the cold, you'll wanna watch that :)


Well-Known Member
I planted some mixed bag seed and there is 1 plant with very deep red stems ... not the main stem but the one holdig leaves at first I was worried and I still am wondering about it a little bit but it doesnt seem to be doing anything bad as the plant with the red stems is by far doing the best out of all of them it is the tallest-fullest so I wouldnt freak out unless you start to see negative effects although im a noob so I came here to find out what it was from also


Well-Known Member
i'm not tryin to freak anyone out, i'm just sayin the purple will be coz of the cold, and to keep an eye on it lol no big


I am haveing trouble with red stems in my 8ball kush and big bang...the red seem to be spreading from the stalk to the stem and then down the chanels of the leaf..they r droopy even after drying for 7 days...they r in small pots with a peat based soil and ph is 6.8....290 watts of cfl...good ventilation and never below 22C...I don't have pics yet


Active Member
I am currently raising some Fem Beauties: 8Ball Kush, White Widow/Big Bud, and CH9 Jack. My 8Ball and my Jack both are exhibiting red stems as well, but my WW/BB isn't. All are in the same medium, feeding/watering routine and environment. I see no issues with it though. All are lush and happy, just with character. Millward53, maybe 8Ball has that "red stem" trait. IDK.
